At St Olave's Prep we offer comprehensive wraparound care with provision for children available from 7.45am - 6pm every day in term-time. Breakfast Club and Playzone (After School Club) are available to all children from Nursery through to Year 6.

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club starts at 7.45am each weekday morning during term time and children can enjoy various recreational games and activities under the supervision of qualified members of staff. A healthy and hearty breakfast sets each child up for the day ahead.  Breakfast includes porridge, cereals, toast, eggs, fruit, yoghurt and juices.

Breakfast Club is held in the hall and entry is via the double doors under the bridge.

Playzone (After School Club)

Open to pupils from Nursery to Year 6, Playzone operates weekly from Monday to Friday except on the last day of term. It runs from 3.45pm to 6pm (or immediately following co-curricular activities) and is run by highly qualified school staff who are known to all the children.

A healthy, home cooked tea plus fruit and drinks are included. Years 2 - 6 spend the first-hour doing supervised homework if required. Activities will include games (indoors and out), board games, constructional toys, art and craft activities and use of computers. Children can be collected from Playzone at any time before 6pm to offer maximum flexibility to working parents.

* Please note that there is an additional charge for Breakfast Club & Playzone wraparound care