The early years are a magical time when your child learns at the most significant rate. At St Olave's, we know that remarkable beginnings can make a world of difference for curious little people.

Feeling valued, represented and challenged

Our unique enhanced EYFS curriculum ensures that every child in the EYFS feels valued, is represented and challenged to meet their own unique potential.

Children are naturally curious because they have an innate desire to explore and learn about the world around them.  Our purpose built EYFS building has been designed to let children lead their own learning because they are self driven, motivated and have an intrinsic desire to learn and discover more. Our highly skilled staff support the children's learning through encouraging children to ask questions and explore their interests and providing them with opportunities to seek out answers and learn more about the world around them. 

By providing a powerful rich holistic learning space full of loose parts and intelligent resources, our teachers can help children engage with the material and develop a deeper understanding of the concepts they are learning.  We encourage children to think creatively and come up with their own ideas. This can help them develop problem-solving skills and a sense of autonomy and agency over their learning. 

All adults at St Olave's model curiosity by being present and connected to children, sharing their own interests and showing enthusiasm for learning. When children see adults engaging with the world in a curious and enthusiastic way, they are more likely to develop a love of learning themselves.

Lunch is included for all children and we also provide a nutritious, healthy snack in the morning and afternoon.

As part of our enhanced EYFS curriculum, we offer specialist lessons in PE, Music and French, as well as a programme of enrichment activities such as dance, pet club and cooking. Our modern, purpose built classrooms lead onto a dedicated outdoor space where children have weekly gardening lessons, enjoy Forest School and learn to play and socialise throughout the year.


By the end of Reception year, a higher proportion of children attain a good level of development than is typical nationally.

ISI Report February 2024