We believe that all children have a natural appetite for learning, and that curiosity is the driving force which inspires pupils to become confident and independent learners. Small class sizes, a high staff to pupil ratio, specialist teaching, cross curricular integration, workshops, trips and special events, all combined with a passionate and enthusiastic staff all contribute to the development of a lifetime love of learning.

We provide a broad and balanced curriculum, extending beyond the National Curriculum. The timetable includes English, Maths, Science, Computing, PSHEE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education), Languages, Art, Design & Technology, Drama, Outdoor Learning, Music, Reasoning, Religious Education, Games and Critical Thinking. In class, all teachers use extension challenges to encourage children to explore topics more deeply, consider different viewpoints, ‘think laterally’ and push themselves beyond their comfort zone.

We have a committed and well-qualified teaching staff made up of class teachers, assistants and subject specialists. A high staff to pupil ratio and small teaching groups mean children learn effectively and make rapid progress. Teachers develop close relationships with the children, particularly the class teacher who is responsible for each child’s pastoral care. There are strong home-school links, and frequent opportunities to discuss children’s progress and welfare.

Specialist lessons