Our award winning allotment captures the imagination of all children, right from our Little Acorns in Nursery up to our Mighty Oaks in Year 6.

Our dedicated outdoor learning teacher gives all children the opportunity to plant, grow and harvest vegetables, fruit and herbs, always hoping for a bumper harvest.  All children play a key role in developing and maintaining our allotments, alongside our gardeners, in daily, lunch time gardening sessions, after school gardening clubs, during class time and School holiday family gardening sessions. 

Our allotment provides an outdoor opportunity for everyone to get their hands dirty, to grow their own and understand where food comes from.  The produce is then used in the School Kitchen and in cooking lessons so the children can sample the fruits of their labours.

The stand-out facility at St Olave’s, impressive by anyone’s standard, but particularly for a suburban school, is its allotment. ‘Allotment’ doesn’t really do it justice – it’s so remarkable it won the 2023 Muddy Stilettos Best Schools Award for Best Experiential Learning.

Muddy Stilettos Review 2023