At St Olave's, we believe that a strong partnership between parents and teachers is vital for the overall development and wellbeing of our children. It is this belief that led us to establish the Fundraising and Social Committee (FRSC), which consists of dedicated parents like yourself who kindly volunteer their time and efforts.  

Fundraising and Social Committee (FRSC)

The primary goal of the FRSC is to organise fundraising events and social activities that provide an opportunity for the wider school community to interact and collaborate in a relaxed and enjoyable environment. By actively participating in these events, parents can contribute to our school community while also forging stronger bonds with each other and the staff.  

Newsletter, April 2024​​​​

In the past, the committee has successfully organised events such as the Christmas Fayre, discos, Summer BBQ’s, Spring Balls and Quiz Nights, which have enabled us to invest in items to further enhance our broad curriculum and provide additional opportunities for all children.

Get Involved

There are many different ways in which parents and friends can help with the FRSC whether serving on the Committee or helping on an ad hoc basis by, for example, running a stall at the Christmas Fayre or baking for a cake sale. Parents and friends can always support the FRSC simply by turning up at events!

If you are interested in helping the FRSC in any way, please contact our Family Liaison and Community Lead, Alison Farrell.