In Year 3, pupils continue to take on greater responsibilities, organising themselves and their belongings as they enter school, becoming more independent when moving around school and taking more responsibility for the recording and completion of their own homework. They also begin work on their verbal and non-verbal reasoning skills, getting a solid grounding in these important subjects with their secondary school entrance exams on the horizon. 

In Year 4, there is an increased focus on Maths and English as the curriculum begins to focus more problem-solving and comprehension skills, as pupils approach their secondary school entrance exams. Children experience their first residential trip towards the end of Year 4, building their independence and resilience ready for Year 5.

In Year 5, pupils work their way through the final stages of the National Curriculum, becoming independent learners to prepare for the 11+ examinations the following year. They experience a stimulating and creative curriculum, while also mastering many of the essential skills of exam technique.

The Autumn Term in Year 6 is predominately based around examination preparation for the 11+ process, as the senior school entrance exams start immediately and continue into the second half of the term. Children master essential resilience and perseverance skills in order to prepare themselves emotionally as well as academically for the year ahead. Following the exams, we continue to offer a thorough, academic programme looking at many aspects of the secondary curriculum and our pupils complete their own business project.

The final weeks of the year always bring great excitement as the Year 6 pupils embark on their final residential trip and after weeks of rehearsals, the Upper School production is performed at a professional theatre.

Teaching typically enables pupils to make good progress and learn well. Teachers commonly choose teaching methods that engage pupils well and maintain high levels of challenge.

ISI Report February 2024

St Olave's offers academic challenge within a unique, nurturing environment, and pupils are invariably well prepared for the challenge of senior school when they leave.

Richard Russell, Headmaster of Colfe's School